What are your business hours?:

From approximately June to November, we are open Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 5:00PM, and Saturday 8:00AM - 11:00AM. From November to June, we are open Monday - Thursday 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM, and closed on Saturdays.


Can I return rentals when you are closed?

Yes! Please contact us at 970-887-0404 to receive our policy.


Do you charge over the weekend and holidays?

Yes, however there are ways you can control your rental costs. Contact us at 970-887-0404 to discuss your options.


A problem occurred during my rental when you weren't open. What options do I have? 

We're so glad you asked! We have an after-hour emergency option for customers who've encountered unexpected situations. Please dial us at our main line (970-887-0404) and select the 'emergency line' option from our auto-attendant. One of our managers will be in touch with you as soon as possible to assess the situation and provide guidance on the next steps to take.


Can I make a reservation on your website?

We do not currently accept reservations online, but you can submit all the details of your request by using our website. Once you have submitted your request, one of our friendly agents will reach out to you to confirm availability and create a reservation.


What is your rental policy?

We have a 24-hour rental policy for daily rentals. This means that you are allowed to keep your rental item for 24 hours from the time you pick it up for a one-day rent. Certain rentals do have restrictions on the amount of hours you can add to the meter total. For more information on those rentals, please call us at 970-887-0404.


Do your rental or delivery rates change?

Our rental and delivery rates are subject to change at any time. Our quotes and estimates are a reflection of rates at the time of inquiry. Delivery rates may change more frequently depending on the cost of fuel. 


Do you require certificates of insurance?

No. However, it is in your best interest to ensure your policy covers rental equipment. If it does not, you can find a short-term coverage company in Denver.